Fellowship Openings

University of Missouri School of Law invites applications for a two-year fellowship designed for promising scholars planning to pursue a career in the legal academy. The fellow shall be jointly appointed to the School of Law and the University’s Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy. We are especially interested in former federal appellate clerks looking for the opportunity and support to develop their scholarly agendas and teaching skills within an intellectually vibrant community of scholar-teachers. Moreover, this program will provide a unique opportunity for the fellow to work with law students as well as undergraduate and graduate students affiliated with Kinder. In addition to teaching one course per year at the School of Law, the fellow will teach an undergraduate seminar in constitutional litigation that will involve observation of court proceedings, conversations with federal judges, and other similar experiential components.

Faculty members at both the School of Law and Kinder Institute will provide mentorship, including extensive feedback on teaching and scholarly work. The fellow will attend faculty workshops and colloquia and present works in progress and practice job talks in a supportive setting. The fellow will be eligible for a summer research grant for two summers, have access to research assistants, and receive a budget for professional travel. We are seeking candidates with an excellent academic record. A J.D. is required.

The University of Missouri-Columbia is the flagship campus of the University of Missouri system and is one of only 34 public universities in the country belonging to the Association of American Universities, a group of elite research universities. As both a research and land grant university, we have extraordinary opportunities for interdisciplinary interaction. In addition, Columbia is a wonderful college town halfway between St. Louis and Kansas City that is regularly ranked as one of the most livable cities in the country.

Application Procedure: Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. To apply, please submit a cover letter, CV, and writing sample for job ID 50505 at http://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/academic/. Inquiries should be directed to Associate Dean Sandra Sperino at sandra.sperino@missouri.edu.

Additional information about the School of Law is available at https://law.missouri.edu.pr-109-6r7rfea-2mq6qjvmladqw.us-2.platformsh.site. The University of Missouri embraces diversity and is an equal opportunity/ADA institution. It welcomes applications from and nominations of persons who would add to the diversity of our academic community. To request ADA accommodations, please call the Disability Inclusion and ADA Compliance Manager at 573-884-7278.