News ⋅ Page 17

Prof. Barondes publishes article on definiteness requirements

Prof. Royce Barondes published an article in the Capital Markets Law Journal examining recent developments in definiteness requirements for contractual obligations under New York law. In the article, he identifies a number of recent cases construing ordinary standards as requiring an unexpected level of definiteness. A pre-press version of the article, New York’s Requirements for Contractual Definiteness with Application to…

Mizzou Law earns ACS Programming Award

The American Constitution Society (ACS) Mizzou Law chapter earned a 2022 Programming Award from the American Constitution Society. ACS Programming Awards are presented annually to our most active chapters. The winning chapters helped to shape the debate and promote a progressive vision of the Constitution at their universities. Winning chapters include: Georgetown University Law Center Harvard Law School New York…

Professor Bennett Discusses Federal Judges with Springfield TV station

“Judges aren’t allowed to pick their own cases, except for the United States Supreme Court, which has some control over which cases it hears. But district judges, federal trial judges, they take the cases that are filed before them, and they decide the cases that they’re presented with, explained University of Missouri Law School Professor Thomas Bennett.” To view the…

Seizing opportunities

Mnotho Ngcobo has always been ambitious, hardworking, motivated and optimistic. But even he was surprised by the positive chain of events that led him to the University of Missouri en route to a master of laws degree. Ngcobo’s Tiger story started in May 2021 with the news that he had landed the prestigious Ivan Rugema Fellowship, a program that brings…

Past Undergraduate Courses in Law

Offerings for Fall 2023 LAW 1100 (Trachtenberg) — Cases and Controversies in American Law Discover the American legal system through the case method used at law schools across the United States. Students will learn legal principles and will then apply their knowledge to new sets of facts, practicing the skills lawyers use when serving clients. Topics include constitutional law, contracts,…

Paul Litton Named Interim Dean of Mizzou Law

University of Missouri Provost Latha Ramchand has announced that Paul Litton, associate dean for faculty research and R. B. Price Professor of Law will serve as interim dean of Mizzou Law. This appointment follows the announcement that Lyrissa Lidsky, dean and Judge C.A. Leedy Professor of Law at Mizzou Law will step down from the deanship on July 4. Dean…

Mizzou Law Announces Additional New Faculty Hires for Fall 2022

Officials at the University of Missouri School of Law are continuing the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the school by announcing two exciting new faculty hires joining the ranks of the nationally renowned faculty scholars and teachers at Mizzou Law. Lauren Shores Pelikan, a senior manager of global tax planning at Emerson in St. Louis and Yunsieg P. Kim,…

2021-2022 CALI Awards

CALI Excellence for the Future Award Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction Highest grade in courses SPRING 2021 ADVANCED TRIAL PRACTICE Luke Hawley ADVOCACY & RESEARCH § 1A Jessica Davis ADVOCACY & RESEARCH § 1B Noelle Mack ADVOCACY & RESEARCH § 2A Matthew Thomas ADVOCACY & RESEARCH § 2 Jaycob Simsheuser ADVOCACY & RESEARCH § 3A Jessica Hylton Rachel Taylor ADVOCACY…

MU professor says Google v. Oracle case leaves fair use ‘muddy’

The case of Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc. pitted two giant technology companies against each other. On the line was potentially billions of dollars in profits as well as the future of some of the world’s most widely used pieces of software. After more than a decade of litigation, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2021 that Google did…

Gone the Influencer, Not the Influence

One of the five job offers I had coming out of law school was the one “everyone” wan­ted.  I turned it down.  Instead, I chose the job offer out of the five that paid the least.  That brought me to Springfield, Missouri and Ransom A. Ellis, Jr.  Why? Because he did exactly what I wanted to do (labor and employment…