News ⋅ Page 37

MU Law Veterans Clinic Participates in Lathrop Gage Lunch and Learn

The MU Law Veterans Clinic recently participated in a lunch-and-learn event honoring veterans, hosted by Kansas City law firm Lathrop Gage. Lathrop Gage diversity and inclusion director Vanessa Vaugh West organized the picnic-style lunch which featured a salute to the firm’s veterans and military family members. Keith Starr of Military Matters, an organization devoted to pairing veterans in need of…

Professors English and Freyermuth explain how the Uniform Law Commission helps to craft policy

Professors David M. English and Wilson Freyermuth provided information for a recent Columbia Missourian article about lawmaking, “Writing the Law: Missouri farm bill rooted in history.” The article is one of a series of articles to examine who writes the bills, who influences that process and how laws spread from state to state. This article explains the role of the…

New grant gives boost to MU School of Law Innocence Clinic

The grant totaling nearly $500,000, from the U.S. Department of Justice will help MU law students and the Midwest Innocence Project review a backlog of cases of possible innocence involving Missourians Contact: Sara Diedrich 573-882-3243  COLUMBIA, Mo. – For more than 10 years, students at the University of Missouri School of Law have been working with the Midwest Innocence…

Mizzou Law SBA hopes to write 100,000 thank you letters to veterans

The Mizzou Law Student Bar Association (SBA) co-sponsored and hosted a card signing event for veterans last week. The event allowed students to write cards thanking veterans for their service. The event lasted the entire week and many members of the Mizzou Law community took time to write to our veterans and thank them. SBA was fortunate to be able…

Mizzou Law Faculty and Alumni Honored by Mizzou Alumni Association

Three of Mizzou Law’s very own have been selected for the 2019 Faculty-Alumni Awards, which will be presented on Friday, November 15 at a banquet in Reynolds Alumni Center. Faculty and Alumni are recognized for outstanding professional and personal achievements. Class of ’85 graduate William M. Corrigan is an accomplished trial attorney who has consistently been listed in The Best…

Cyberweek 2019 to be held November 18-22

The National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution will be holding the online Cyberweek 2019 conference from November 18-22. Throughout the week there will be presentations, demonstrations and podcasts from various industry professionals and will include discussions regarding online dispute resolution and technology on multiple fronts. You can register for free or review the week’s agenda here.…

Ninth Annual University of Missouri Patent Law Moot Court Competition

On Friday, November 15, Mizzou Law hosted the Ninth Annual University of Missouri Patent Law Moot Court Competition. Thirteen students wrote briefs and presented oral arguments in a mock-version of a pending infringement lawsuit involving a patented device for 3D modeling of orthodontistry. Overall winner of the competition this year (brief + arguments) was Kevin Johnston who will receive the…

Jennifer Riedy Clark published in November 2019 NALP Bulletin

Jennifer Riedy Clark, currently serving as the Vice-Chair of RFPs and Articles for the National Association for Law Placement (NALP) Judicial Clerkship Section, recently published “Leveraging Faculty Clerkship Committees to Improve Clerkship Advising” in the November NALP Bulletin. “Being part of NALP and speaking with advisors across the country, I could see how Mizzou Law’s strong Faculty Clerkship Committee positively…

Professor Lietzan speaks to Akron law students about perils of patent reform

At a recent event at the University of Akron School of Law, Professor Erika Lietzan spoke about what she called the “assault on drug patents,” including patent reform activity in Congress as well as proposals to prevent drug companies from patenting any changes or improvements to their drugs after approval (so called “one and done” proposals).  She explained that medical…