News ⋅ Page 51

Law School Center Secures Grant to Study Reasoning in Arbitration

The law school’s nationally-recognized Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution was recently awarded a $25,000 grant from the AAA-ICDR Foundation (the charitable arm of the American Arbitration Association and the International Center for Dispute Resolution) to study arbitral reasoning in various contexts and in comparison to judicial reasoning. The project, “Reasoning in International Commercial Arbitration: Comparisons Across the Common…

Women’s Law Association to Host Symposium: The Evolution of Women in the Law

On April 14, the Mizzou Women’s Law Association will host a symposium, “The Evolution of Women in the Law: From Where We Were to Where We Are Going.” The goal of the symposium is to create networking opportunities for students and attorneys from across the state, to discuss the challenges women face in the Missouri legal field, and to consider…

Members of Mizzou Law Community Recognized with Women’s Justice Awards

Missouri Lawyers Media recently announced the honorees for its 19th Annual Women’s Justice Awards. Thirteen members of the Mizzou Law community will be recognized at the awards ceremony, to be held on April 27 in St. Louis. They are: Woman of the Year Patricia A. Breckenridge, ’78 Public Service Practitioner Award Cynthia J. Hyde, ’87 Public Official Award Terry Daley…

Mizzou Law Student Wins National Dispute Resolution Writing Competition

Third-year Mizzou Law student Theresa Mullineaux recently won the Joseph T. McLaughlin Original Student Article Award in a national student writing competition sponsored by the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR). This award is endowed in honor of Joseph T. McLaughlin, a former CPR board member, long-time CPR supporter and prolific advocate for effective conflict resolution practices, and…

Board of Advocates Announces Mock Trial Champions

The Mizzou Law Board of Advocates recently announced the 2017 Mock Trial Champions. Congratulations to these third-year students! Jared Logan Tom Wright Grace Shemwell Michael…

Mizzou Law Team Advances to Texas Young Lawyers Association National Trial Competition

Mizzou Law recently sent two teams to regionals of the Texas Young Lawyers Association National Trial Competition. The law school was the only school, out of 28 in its region, to advance two teams to the regional semifinal. We are proud to announce that Mizzou Law won its regional competition and will advance to compete in the Texas Young Lawyers…