News ⋅ Page 26

Ben Trachtenberg appointed Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Dean Lyrissa Lidsky has appointed Professor Ben Trachtenberg, Isidor Loeb Professor of Law, as associate dean for academic affairs at Mizzou Law effective January 1. Trachtenberg replaces Professor S. David Mitchell, Ruth L. Hulston Professor of Law, who recently became one of the two inaugural co-directors of the Michael A. Middleton Center for Race, Citizenship & Justice at Mizzou. Mitchell…

Professor Lietzan Appointed to Food and Drug Law Leadership Positions

Professor Erika Lietzan has been appointed co-chair of the annual conference of the Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI).  FDLI is a non-profit organization focused on food and drug law, supported by members from FDA, the food and drug bar, lawyers and regulatory specialists within the regulated industries, and academics specializing in FDA law. She has been a member of…

Podcast: Professor Jerry talks about his article on COVID-19 rationing

Professor Robert Jerry recently joined Dr. David Hyman of Georgetown Law to talk about his article COVID-19: Responsibility and Accountability in a World of Rationing, Journal of Law and the Biosciences. The podcast, COVID-19: Responsibility, Accountability, Liability, and Health Care Provider Duties of Care in a World of Rationing, is part of a podcast series, Marketplace of Ideas, hosted by…

New book includes papers from Mizzou Law alumni and faculty

A new book, Legal Responses to COVID-19 Around the World, is a collection of papers from 50 countries (6 continents) about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, employment, contracts, business, people’s income, health, courts and dispute resolution systems. The book’s purpose is to allow current and future generations to find, in one place, information about the legal…

Professor Abrams publishes 2nd edition of “Effective Legal Writing” book

West Academic has published the second edition of Professor Douglas E. Abrams’ most recent book, “Effective Legal Writing: A Guide For Students and Practitioners.” The second edition opens with the same dedication that opened the first edition: “To my law students past and present, who continue to make me proud that I am one of their…

Last Family Violence Clinic Case Completed

The Family Violence Clinic completed its last case in November 2020. Over 28 years, generations of Mizzou Law students achieved legal remedies for impoverished and domestic and/or sexually assaulted adults, children and elders. In this case, the students undertook representation in the case over 10 months ago and persevered despite numerous obstacles and the semester ending to achieve adoption of…

Mizzou Law Faculty and Alumna Honored by Mizzou Alumni Association in 2020

The Mizzou Alumni Association included two Mizzou Law faculty members and one alumna among the recipients of the 2020 Faculty-Alumni Awards. R. Wilson Freyermuth – 61st Annual Distinguished Faculty Award Justice Patricia Breckenridge, ’77 – 2020 Faculty-Alumni Award Recipient Frank O. Bowman, III – 2020 Faculty-Alumni Award Recipient “We are honored to recognize Mizzou’s best and brightest, both in and…

Boston College Law Review Publishes Article by Professor Lambert

Professor Thom Lambert’s article, Mere Common Ownership and the Antitrust Laws, appears in the latest edition of the Boston College Law Review. Professor Lambert criticizes claims by prominent antitrust scholars and the leading antitrust treatise that institutional investors’ ownership of minority stakes in competing firms may violate the U.S. antitrust laws. The article follows up on an earlier common ownership article…

Professor Bowman provided election commentary to international news outlets

Professor Frank O. Bowman has appeared on several international television networks to provide commentary on the 2020 election in the U.S. He appeared on Good Morning Europe with EuroNews TV before the election, France 24 (English) the day after the election. And then on November 6 with AlAraby (an Arabic language network out of London). Most recently he appeared on…

Professor Lambert interviewed by the Global Antitrust Institute

Professor Thom Lambert was recently interviewed about his paper, Rent-Seeking and Public Choice in Digital Markets. The paper will soon be published as a chapter in the Global Antitrust Institute’s forthcoming Report on the Digital Economy. The interview is on YouTube. Professor Lambert explains public choice theory and the concept of rent-seeking and then describes a number of recent instances of…